Data Security
Data Security is a significant issue for SBA, particularly because student information is entrusted to us by the parents of SBA students.
Therefore, it is critical that ALL SBA staff have a mindset/attitude/culture of carefully managing passwords and access to devices that contain or access student information.
IMPORTANT! - You will be REQUIRED to view certain security videos annually via PayCom as part of best practices for the protection of SBA and it's students.
Secure passwords - Active Directory, Google, RenWeb, etc.
Change procedures
DO NOT GIVE TO ANYONE (including students)
Mobile Devices - iPads and Phones (iPhone or Android)
Passcodes - devices locked down
Lost and Stolen - Find My iPhone, AppleIDs, etc.
Classroom Devices
Lock down when leaving
Students are not to use the teacher's computer under any circumstance
Student Communications
No social media with students
How to change SBA passwords for:
iPad passcode, AppleID or iPad email password on iPad
Smartphone Security (iPhone or Android)