Google Account
Every SBA staff member will have a Google account, often referred to as your “Gmail” or "Google Apps" account. A Google account gives you access to all Google Apps and allows you to collaborate with teachers and other staff.
SBA's email domain is hosted by Gmail: - for all SBA faculty and staff and is characterized by [first initial+last name] (example: for John Smith)
New staff initial password is communicated when you get your equipment and must be changed at first login. Click HERE for guidance on setting passwords.
Change Email Account Password
If you know your current Password:
Sign in to your account
Click on the SBA logo in the top right corner of the Gmail screen
Click on “Manage Your Google Account”
Click the fourth tab on the left side of the screen, “Security”
Click “Password”
Enter your current password
Enter your NEW password--twice for verification, following the guidelines in the SBA Password Policy (Remember, once you change your password, you cannot go back to your old one).
Click "Change Password"
If you have forgotten your password, or it will not work:
The SBA Technology Department are the ONLY ONES who can reset email passwords
Use the “Can’t access your account?” link and the "I don't know my password" option, which will direct you to a page with up to three recovery options:
Get a verification code sent to your mobile device.
Request a password reset email to be sent to your recovery account.
Answer your security question and perform an on-line password reset.
Proceed to the Account Recovery Form. Look for a "Verify your identity" link if the other options don't work.
NOTE: If you change your email password in one computer or device, you will have to change the password in any other device that automatically logs you in, such as your iPad.
Related Links: Manage Email contacts and Groups | Google Apps Help