Student Accident Report Form

IMPORTANT: Note that all accidents, regardless of how serious, should be reported immediately on the radio on channel 2 during school hours and directed to a member of the Crisis Management team. After-hours accidents should be reported to the Crisis Management Team via call/text to their cell phone.

Student Accident Report Form

Accident reports are a critical form of communication providing the necessary departmental communication to provide for our students and protect the school.  It is therefore CRITICAL that ALL steps be followed for each accident.

Because accidents on campus are inevitable, proper documentation is always important following an injury or suspected injury to a student, employee, or other individual on campus. This documentation will be kept on file by the Crisis Management team but will also be made available to first responders and/or healthcare professionals under certain circumstances.

Reporting of an accident should always be done by a Silverdale Baptist Academy employee who was witness to the accident or who has access to witnesses for accurate accounts. Priority number one in any crisis is the safety and security of those involved, but as soon as the situation is under control, work on an accident report should begin.

The electronic accident report form above should be filled out completely and submitted before any emergency services personnel leave the premises with those involved in the accident. Once submitted, a copy of the report will be sent automatically via email to members of the Crisis Management Team and the school nurse for both record-keeping and printing, if necessary. It is recommended that all employees save the above link to their computer’s browser shortcuts list and/or their smartphone for easy access.

Vehicle and Other Accidents on Campus

Medical Accidents

How to pull medical information for Student Medical Service

(i.e. ambulance, hospital or clinic)

Preschool – Information is kept on “Emergency Cards” in the Preschool Front Desk (Church Atrium). 

Academy Student – Information is kep in FACTS SIS


Sports Programs – Information is kept in Google Drive per sport