Teachers Tool Box


The SBA IT Team has assembled a variety or tools, techniques and strategies to support your teaching of both in classroom and at home students for the 2020-2021 school year.  SBA's GREATEST ASSET IS OUR TEACHERS and we know that getting quality tools in your hands will result in the most creative classroom solutions!

IMPORTANT - Teachers much balance in classroom teaching without the exclusion of the at home students as well as the teaching of at home students without the exclusion of the in classroom students.  Classrooms should mix synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (record and share later) teaching to best care for both groups.

CRITICAL - Please focus ONLY on what is needed for DAY 1 of your teaching this year.  Looking at all the options below can be overwhelming...add 1 skill per week after school starts and your skill set will be amazingly digital before you know it.

We have found these techniques are impacted by the following:

 - Age of the students - 1st Grade will be very different than 11th

 - Subject matter - math vs. science vs. humanities

 - Teaching style of the teacher.

ES Teacher Tools/Strategies:

MS/HS Teacher (IMPACT) Tools/Strategies:

Please Note: High School students are expected to connect each period and follow their schedule and engage in the active classroom environment.