Going Paperless
Key Concepts for ALL SBA Paperless Solutions
Any Paperless solution is only as good as your ability to search and find what has been stored.
Storage can be expensive, so solutions MUST include storage that is either unlimited (Google Drive) or sized correctly (file servers).
Organization is critical! Scanning everything to a single place is a recipe for lost documents
Departmental Strategy - each SBA department can apply the following process to their operational work with small costs to start and no cost associated with the amount or scanning they do.
Google Team Drive - Centralize files that are NOT directly associated with an individual's Google Drive is the best way to ensure that files will be available after staff changes. Always link to longer term locations rather than those associated with an individual staff member.
The SBA Paperless Initiative - as a directive from the our Head of School, we are all working toward applying the following "Paperless" strategies where it makes sense in each area of influence at SBA while ensuring we stay effective.
Google Forms for Teachers (Permission Forms, etc) - One of the best ways to save time and make information more at hand is to Google Forms for your Field Trip, Student and other Permission Forms.