Voicemail to Email
The SBA Voicemail system gives you the option to listen to your messages through the phone, web, or email. Some other things to note about listening to and forwarding voicemail to email are:
You will receive an individual email message with the Voice Mail attached as an audio file in your SBA Gmail
You may view/listen to messages from your SBA Gmail box or on your cell phone or iPad
The message waiting light on your phone does not reflect when messages have been played in your SBA Gmail
Messages are stored within your gmail email account
Messages kept as a copy on the phone must be deleted from the phone AND your email
Messages kept as a copy in the voicemail box and listened to on the phone are not marked as read in email
You can forward messages from both the phone and via email
Note: Voice messages sent to your email will arrive as a .wav file. Click the file to start playback. We recommend using your browser or QuickTime to listen to your messages.