Signature Line
Below are the steps to setting up your email signature for both Gmail on a computer and on your iPad (and iPhone, if you choose to load your work email there).
Gmail on your Computer
After logging into your email account on your computer, click on the grey gear in the upper right corner of your inbox and choose "Settings." It looks like this:
Scroll down to the Signature section - copy + paste the signature below into your signature box, reformatting it to fit your information. If coaching, you can add those credentials on a second line below your primary teaching/staff position (e.g. Director of Communications).
Daniel Ashworth
Director of Communications
f: 423.648.7600
Silverdale Baptist Academy
7236 Bonny Oaks Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421-1099
“Engaging Hearts and Minds”
NOTE: You'll want to check the option below the signature box that refers to inserting your signature before quoted text in a reply. This just means that as emails go back and forth between two parties, your signature will always appear at the top of the next reply.
Gmail on Your iPad/iPhone
Send yourself an email with your new signature from your computer - open that email on your iPad
Select and copy all of the content of your new signature from that email
Exit to your iPad's home screen
Tap Settings on the home screen
Go to Mail
Tap Signature under Mail
To set up one signature for all your email accounts:
Make sure All Accounts is selected
Paste your new signature into this box and double-check formatting to be sure nothing was affected in the transfer
If you have more than one email account set up on your iPad (personal, etc.):
Make sure Per Account is selected
Edit the signature for each desired account as you please
Confidentiality Notice:
SBA attaches the following notice at the bottom of all outgoing email:
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown. This email transmission may contain confidential information. This information is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is intended even if addressed incorrectly. Please delete it from your files if you are not the intended recipient. Thank you for your compliance.