SBA Technology
Online Teaching Tools - When you need a tool bag for teaching online content, this is your one-stop-shop!
Recording your screen lesson (QuickTime Player)
Recording an interactive lesson (SmartNotebook)
Recording an interactive lesson (Doceri App)
Online Assessments with Google Forms - Coming Soon!
Going Paperless! - Going paperless will mean different things to different SBA Employees, however, we all can move forward towards being more efficient both with the amount of printing we do and taking part in more efficient communication and work flows.
Google Forms for Teachers (Permission Forms, etc)
Google Team Drive - new Google storage system
Admin and Departmental Paperless Strategies
Mobile Technology - iPhones, iPads, Tablets and Android devices are what we have with us day in and day out. Below are the tools you will need to configure your devices and keep them up and current.
Setting up SBA Gmail Account on a Device
AppleTVs (including AirServer)
Projectors (computer connections)
Recording your classroom/lessons
Workroom Technology - There are a series of devices in each school workroom that may help you in your classroom operations:
Network Printing
Teachers Tool Bag for Yellow and Orange Phases